Yes, a big giant YES, actually. Mindset blocks come from trauma. The blocks are caused by the beliefs that are developed/indoctrinated from traumatic events.
I know this from years of research/training, from my first-hand experience with complex trauma, and my clients’ experiences have proven it time and time again also.
For years, I thought I was healed from my trauma because I was so comfortable with being open about it. I didn’t get upset or uncomfortable in fact I saw the positive aspects of me that developed because of it.
I didn’t think these things were still having a negative impact on me:
💔 Sexual abuse
💔 Parents divorcing when I was 5 or 6
💔 Betrayal when my best “friend(s)” hooked up my first love, while he was supposed to be MY boyfriend then being threatened by those “friends”
💔 Rape
💔 My Brother’s suicide
💔 My divorce
💔 Infertility
💔 Loss
I saw therapists for years and was highly functioning (as far as the trauma goes). But I wasn’t understanding why I couldn’t get my business to run smoothly or my employees to like me or to relax or to stop crying every single night.
The problem was that although I was accepting and open about my traumas, I wasn’t really considering how they were responsible for:
👎🏻 Why I was a perfectionist
👎🏻 Why I was a workaholic
👎🏻 Why I froze when things felt challenging
👎🏻 Why I felt like a failure no matter how many awards my businesses won
👎🏻 Why I kept biting off more than I could chew (bigger locations, renovations, more equipment, opening even more businesses)
👎🏻 Why I had such a scarcity mindset
👎🏻 Why I was certain everyone was either going to F me over or leave me once they didn’t need me anymore.
And everything I did just reinforced those things.
In fact, those things became facts, instead of just feelings!
All proving:
❌ I was not good enough
❌ I am unlovable
❌ No one believed in me
❌ I can’t handle it - especially not alone
❌ Procrastination is a safety mechanism to avoiding f’ing something else up
❌ Hiding kept me out of trouble
Thank goodness my drive to understand at a deeper level was so strong (and as odd as it is to say, that my confidence was so low) because both were why I took one personal development course after the other in search of the perfect healing method.
I was certified as a law of attraction coach, mindset coach, high performer coach, wellness coach, NLP practitioner, yoga teacher, energy healer just to name a few.
While they all have their time and place, things like affirmations and the law of attraction would not have helped me when I was at my worst, in fact, it made things worse when I couldn’t work through those blocks.
I find this with many of my clients as they take their first steps into healing.
Energy work is amazing for those individuals because it helps to gentle shift destructive patterns until they are ready to dig deeper. It helps to build up resiliency.
And while I LOVE it, some people need to experience the logical, mental part of the shift too. I’m one of those people. Part of me enjoys trudging through the muck to get to the beautiful transformation (that’s how most Disney movies are, isn’t it?)
The experience means more to me when it includes a variety of feelings, thoughts, insights, awareness. For some reason, the impact and learnings feel more profound and feel more valuable.
That is actually why I do the work that I do now. I help others who have these same kinds of challenges due to complex trauma who want more out of life.
Individuals who struggle with:
Emotional Abusive Dynamics
Never feeling good enough
I help them utilize the most powerful and effective tools for belief clearing and mindset.
And then, I teach them how to properly work with affirmations and the “simple” tools so they are way more effective because most of how it is being taught are all wrong for those of us with complex trauma.
I’ve been thoroughly trained on how to excavate down to the main conclusion my client came to (AKA the core wound/core belief) due to their experiences.
I understand that many mindset blocks are tied to deeper issues and without giving someone the safe space and support to work through those issues, the other tools, like vision boards, affirmations or journaling, etc. just don’t make meaningful or long-term change.
Even if you haven’t experienced complex trauma or if you don’t define events in your life as traumatic, that doesn’t mean your experiences aren’t causing the problems - because more than likely, they are.
And it doesn’t mean that you haven’t experienced success or feeling good about your life. That’s what I was talking about earlier. I thought I had dealt so well with my trauma, I didn’t see how it was still impacting me. I thought I was doing well. Until I was shown this method of getting to the root.
One of my clients uncovered the root of a HUGE problem in her business. It was disguised as a “silly childhood memory” or being afraid of the dark. It was tossed aside as if it should have no long-term impact but as we started to explore we saw how really big it was.
She recalled how she was terrified and no one comforted her. Through our sessions, she saw how this was impacting her in her adult life and in her business.
It was stopping her from really voicing her boundaries - because no one would care anyway.
It stopped her from showing up in general because no one noticed her.
Being in the dark as a child created a fear of doing new things because she couldn’t see ahead of time what might happen next.
The depth that our experiences affect us can be inconceivable sometimes… until you do this kind of work and then it becomes clear and transformable!
And there is such a common mentality of just moving past hardship. Overcoming challenges - how it makes you tougher, smarter, stronger, and builds character.
While that is all true it can also leave you damaged and struggling, unnecessarily.
This work allows you to find the good in all of your experiences and discard the parts that are still holding you back from really flourishing.
I hope you already know this but if not, let me say, there is nothing wrong with you, as you are.
AND you can be even better, happier, and feel more complete than you ever have.
With the right support, you can conquer those beliefs, master the mindset, and live a life beyond where your imagination can take you.
I hope this helps and I’m here if you like to talk about what this type of healing could look like for you.