What would your life look like if you had no limitations?
Since almost all of the limitations are self-imposed (by your beliefs), why not have them cleared?
It almost sounds too easy but guess what - It actually is easy once you know how to do it!
You CAN live a life of unlimited possibilities!
Your experiences don’t have to create permanent circumstances!
Your old beliefs don’t have to define your future anymore!
Things can change.
I was trained on a very special method and use it with my clients (and myself) every day. Allow me to share a simple process so you can get a taste…
Think about any limitation you have:
I don't have enough time.
I don't have enough money.
I'm not ________ enough.
There's too much _________ in my way.
I can't _________.
I'll never be able to __________.
Now ask yourself, "Is this REALLY true?"
Or is it just a self-imposed limitation that you put on yourself because:
Someone told you so.
You decided it was safer.
You could avoid discomfort or pain.
Would you fit in if you thought any differently?
You got some evidence and came to that conclusion.
Limiting beliefs are just that: BELIEFS. And beliefs can be changed.
Deleted. Transformed. Reprogrammed and Replaced with positive, empowering beliefs.
But not everyone knows how. Fortunately, I do!
Let me share another thing for you to try:
Try these Unlimited Beliefs on for size and see how they feel.
Imagine what it feels like when this belief is 100% true.
Go for it, let yourself really feel it.
(say each one to yourself as if 100% true, and feel what it feels like to hold that belief):
I can do whatever I put my mind to.
I live in an abundant universe, where all of my needs can be met
All of my limitations are just temporary boundaries that I can change or transcend.
I decide.
How did that feel? Would you like to experience even more?
I’m interested in talking with 5 people who would like a bigger sample of what it is like to uncover and dis-create limiting beliefs.
Do you want to feel free and limitless?
I see your unlimited potential under all of those beliefs.
Let’s set you free!