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Everyone should own their own business.

A million times in my life I've heard people say that everyone should work in the service industry to know what it is like so they are kinder and more understanding.

I'd actually love to take that a step further and say everyone should have the experience of owning their own business with multiple employees.

Half of the complaints about their job wouldn't exist if they had the responsibility of being the owner.

The hardest part for me was when i felt like my team thought I was looking out for myself because I really did care so much for them and was trying my darnedest to grow the business for all of our benefit.

I used to stress about so much.. how will they pay their bills, grow, feel appreciated (I think this may be where I was least successful) but because I had major scarcity mindset.

The responsibility of owning a business that cost over $60k a month just to be open was so overwhelming (and exciting)

I was very good at strategy, being efficient, creating an amazing client experience and pioneering a lot in the industry.

I certainly wasnt perfect, not even close. But I did my best with what I knew, what I was capable of at the time and where I was in my life.

Now, as I help other entrepreneurs grow their business, not only do we work on things like messaging, their niche, their unique offerings, we also address the most important elements like energy, beliefs and mindset.

Because no matter what words you are saying to your team or clients, how great your marketing campaign, the main thing that is influencing how they feel about you is how you feel.

So even if you know you are great at what you do, if you have a subconscious belief of I'm not good enough, that will create energetic incongruency. This incongruence effects rapport with potential buyers and sadly usually has a negative impact on trust.

Or a belief of I'm not lovable, there may be issues with boundaries, being decisive with your offer and price without second guessing yourself.

Or if you are in lack without enough money or supprt when you are offering your services to someone, without knowing, they may sense this and feel that you aren't looking out for what's best for them but what's best for you... again impacting trust.

So while strategies and systems are so important for the growth of a business (I invested tens of thousands on coaches, consultants and systems) but I wish I had invested in the inner work back then. The investment inner work provides the BEST ROI.

Fun fact about being an entrepreneur: owning your own business is the quickest/best way to uncover your negative beliefs!

Even if you aren't an entrepreneur, inner work is the best investment to live the richest life. Rich in love, joy, adventure, freedom and abundance!