You are not alone if you have had trouble achieving your goals. I know I have!
In fact, there are so many reasons people fall short of reaching their goals.
I'm going to share 11 of those reasons and also 4 steps to overcome them!
First, check out the results of this study...
One study by Statistic Brain, analyzing goals & new habits, conveys a very similar fact to an old Harvard Business School study: very few people achieve their goals.
They claim that just 8% of people achieve their goals, with a resounded 92% that end up in failure.
The study, also claims:
● 45% of Americans usually make goals
● 17% of Americans infrequently make goals
● 38% of Americans never make goals
Another interesting measure about the study was about how far people actually got before they threw in that proverbial towel on their goal:
● 75% of people made it through their first week
● 71% of people made it past two weeks
● 64% of people made it past one month
● 46% of people made it past six months
The math is almost unbelievable - it means 25% of people didn’t even make it through their first week of new goals.
It seems crazy when you look at the numbers!
Essentially this says that out of all these people, only 8% actually achieved their goals.
If we’re talking about 300 million people in America, and if 62% of them either usually or infrequently set goals, only about 186 million people set some kind of goals.
The study suggests that of the 186 million people in America who are setting goals - 171.12 million are giving up!!
This is the saddest and most validating data for those of us who have struggled with goals.
If you have - you are not alone.
Fortunately, we can do something about it!
I will share 4 simple tips to help you achieve your goals but first, let’s identify the potential problems. Because when we identify a problem we can address it more effectively.
The top 11 challenges that may be stopping you from reaching your goals:
Goals - too many or they are not clear or specific enough
Life - not enough time or too many distractions
Time - Not adjusting the current schedule with the time that is needed to work on the goal
Willingness - Not willing to sacrifice or compromise
Accountability - Not measuring or tracking progress
Habits - Afraid to get out of comfort zone (consciously or subconsciously)
Giving up - Expecting quick results and giving up when discouraged
Dis-empowered - Seeing external obstacles as permanent blocks
Behavior - Not consistent enough
False reality - Waiting for motivation to occur on its own
Support - Not tapping into resources for self-improvement
Sadly, there are more, these are the more common that my clients have shared.
Which do you relate most with? How have they impacted your life?
Mine have been time, support and false reality
Now, I'll share 4 practical tips to help you achieve your goals.
Mark your calendar - instead of trying to achieve a goal by happenstance, block time in your calendar to do the things you need to do in order to reach the goal. Otherwise, life gets in the way, distractions take priority, time flies by and life stays the same. Seriously, this may seem like a no brainer, but not many people actually do it. They think they will fit the extra things in during their free time. But if achieving the goal isn't made a priority, the goal is not likely to be achieved.
Explore resources and support available - Do you have charts, calendars or tracking systems that suit your personality and lifestyle? Do you know what motivates you when you are feeling doubt or uninspired? I struggled for so long until I discovered what worked best for ME. You have to be honest and real and find what works for YOU! This is probably the most crucial of all of the steps to not only reach your goal but to enjoy the process of reaching it.
Practice self-discipline - How do you become more self-disciplined? You practice self-discipline. Just like everything else, it can take practice to get good. It seems some people are born with self-discipline while others struggle and the good news is that anyone can learn! I'm living proof!
Explore your beliefs - They are responsible for EVERYTHING you are experiencing or not experiencing in your life. Not everyone is as into belief work as I am, but I promise you, clearing your beliefs will launch you further down the path of achieving your goal.
So now you have these 4 great tools and if you are a super motivated, self-starter you can practice each of these and you will likely see big shifts!
They may be simple but they are powerful!
And maybe now, you are ready to take more committed action.
And maybe you are also tired of spinning your wheels and you'd like support to ensure you reach your goals this time.
We've all heard the saying, "You won't get something new by doing the same thing you've done".
Have you thought of working with a coach? A coach can offer you a supportive, objective perspective, with no judgment - just a true desire to help you tune in and find what works best for you. They also have access to all sorts of tools to help you identify what will suit you best.
If you are ready to experience life differently, I'd love to support you.
I believe there is so much more to goal achievement than what can be delivered via email.
Aspects that are much deeper than the logical mind computes.
So much more than just strategies and techniques.
If you are curious, let's set up a time to chat.