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Can You Be Happy in 2021?

Are you looking forward to the new year or are you dreading it?  

I am hearing mixed feelings.  And even though I am going through some messy stuff, I am looking forward to feeling like I have an opportunity for a new start with a new year. Even though it feels a lil naive to say so

Not everyone is feeling so optimistic.  The individuals who I have spoken with who are dreading the new year have shared some of their concerns, can you relate to any of them?

Do you feel stuck in a perpetual pattern and cycle of “When will I be happy”?

  • When will life get better?

  • When will my partner and I get along better?

  • When will my business be more successful?

  • When will there be more balance?

  • When will I have enough time to do all the things that I have to do?

  • When will I get a break?


And so in the new year, as it comes, we often fantasize about what could happen by the end of the year. 

Many people get motivated to make a plan, to be strategic about how to make that happen.

But the biggest mistake is that there isn't enough support to continue with the strategy when things get hard and life gets in the way - Like it always does. 

So when there's an illness in the family, when there is a broken appliance in the house or with the car...

When something goes wrong and you get thrown off track.

This is why support is so valuable- To have objective people who have your best interest, people who:

  • Know what you're trying to achieve

  • Are able to see what you might be missing because you are too close

  • Help you see past the roadblocks that have gotten in your way

  • Are aware of your strategy and help you continue to stay strong with it

  • Help you find & tap into other resources that you might not be noticing because you're IN IT.

Often when we're too close to something we can't see it as clear.

So while it is absolutely beautiful to start to plan for the new year -

To set new year intentions to have a vision of what 2021 could look like...

Unless you do something different it is probably going to play out like every year has prior... 

Where you end up on autopilot and life starts to lead you instead of you creating your life the way you want it.

So, would this year be the year that you would like life to change for the better? 

  • Isn't it time that this is the year that your life really improves?

  • That you have the relationships that you're craving?

  • That you experience the level of success that you desire and deserve?

  • To be able to float through challenges and circumstances, that may be out of your control but handle them in a way that feels SO GOOD - so rewarding and so calm, peaceful, and safe?

  • To be able to move through experiences knowing you can handle them?

  • And that you have support when you need to lean on someone?

I want to invite you to make this coming year that year for you - and for everyone in your life - Because as your life improves those around you benefit from that as well.

What would you like 2021 to look like? 

I'd really like to know.

Let's talk about it. CLICK HERE to schedule a time to Chat.

Until then, Happy New Year