The current circumstances are taking some kind of toll on most of us.
Whether it's fear, politics, isolation, missing connection, or something else.
Now more than ever, we need to nourish and nurture ourselves.
Replenish our energy and process what isn't serving us any longer so the bad all around us can seep in quite as much. We can become more resilient and rise above the negativity.
♥️ Do you feel there could be more to life than what you are currently experiencing?
🧡 Would you benefit from feeling more balanced?
💛 Would you like to remove blocks that are holding you back?
💚 Would you like access to a variety of proven tools to support your personal growth?
💙 Would you like deep healing and transformation to improve your life?
💜 How would you like consistent support and results, but at a price that won’t break the bank?
Take your life to the next level when you experience
Energy Healing Every Day!
If you want to get the benefits of energy therapies and coaches but without the typical high cost.
Join the group and get group healing EVERY DAY.
Imagine what daily healing could do for your life.
It's priced to make it an easy "YES!" and is amazing because you will receive healing energy 10 hours per month. while being a part of a quaint private community. You get to choose to participate or just to receive.
It all happens from the comfort of your own home and you don't have to do a thing.
Each month you will receive 10 hours of distance healing including:
⟢ Reiki
⟢ Meditation
⟢ Removing Trapped Emotions (Emotion & Body Code)
⟢ Removing Limiting / Negative Beliefs / Downloading New Empowering Beliefs
⟢ Chakra Balancing
⟢ Card Readings, Crystal Healing, Theta Healing, EFT
⟢ Movement (yoga) & More
Maybe you are familiar with the modalities above and that’s great.
And if you aren’t - no worries. This isn’t some overly new-age woo group. It is a really down to earth approach to how you can be and feel healthier.
While we may share insights about Chakras, Crystals, Our Body’s Energy Fields, etc. in our session summaries, you aren’t expected to be an expert, we are simply offering you assortments of information so you can decide if you may like to learn more about it. You’ll receive the benefits of the sessions either way.
Val & I believe a multi-layer approach is the most effective in healing, whether that is for healing something like anxiety or physical ailments. So our intention is to provide multi-faceted approach and if find you totally resonate with one of the modalities, You can ask us more, investigate online and we can also provide private sessions with that as a focus.
Members have said after joining they’ve experienced:
♥️ More Comfort - feeling more secure, centered and calm
🧡 More Composure - staying chill even though the world around us is going bonkers
💛More Energy - feeling more balance - energized, and inspired
💚 Better Sleep or Down Time - feeling refreshed and revitalized
💙 Better Connection - feeling more patience and accepting of others
💜 More Peace & Flow - feeling ease and grace no matter what is happening around them
After joining you will be invited into a private & quaint (under 40 members) Facebook group where we post:
Transformational Sessions & Experiences
Schedule, Session Reminders, Summaries
There is no long-term commitment, it is month-to-month, but you will get a sweet discount to continue each month, along with the increased benefits of receiving consistent healing sessions.
CLICK HERE to ask any questions
Why did we create this membership?
Because we are completely bombarded by toxins.
We have Physical toxicities like preservatives, chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, or EMF spectrum.
There are emotional toxicities like violence, news/media, unhealthy relationships, trauma, unprocessed grief, unbalanced work life, and home life.
We have spiritual toxicity - Personally, I see that more as though we are spiritually deprived which is contributing to illness, disease, and unhappiness. Not having time to meditate to connect with ourselves and our source/s. It affects us so much.
And we also have mental toxicities like our thoughts, our beliefs, critical people around us, and too much pressure to get some much done.
And while we are constantly being bombarded with toxicities, most people don't have the resources, support, or access to the right tools to either protect from or release the toxicities.
And so, this is where the sound healing every day group comes in - as a way to combat these toxicities as they're coming at you. This is a group healing membership program - A buffet of healing modalities to help combat the toxicities.
Some of the modalities you will experience while in the group are Reiki to help to purify energy to help to balance the chakras or energy centers to help to nourish and support your entire being. Great to boost the immune system and calm the nervous system too.
And processes like Emotion Code where we actually release trapped emotions that are wreaking havoc on the body and attracting negative things and experiences into your life.
Subconscious Reprogramming | Belief clearing is an additional process. One where we can actually identify negative, limiting beliefs that are creating your current reality and dis-create it to remove it from your psyche and replace it with one that serves you.
For example, the belief of "I'm not good enough" Or "I'm not worthy" could be influencing your decisions, your patterns, how you move through life. It may be creating your current reality and in this group, it can be cleared to create a new desired reality.
Also, modalities like EFT help to change behavior patterns habits, create new mindsets. This is a favorite modality amongst therapists and personal development gurus, like Jack Canfield.
Meditation is another modality that is provided. Meditation provides the opportunity to begin to clear the mind. It's as if we're weeding the garden, tending to the soil to plant new rich seeds that empower your actions as well as reduce your re-activity and help you enjoy each moment and be more present instead of being stressed all the time…
We put them all together in one private group to make it more easily accessible. To help you detoxify at every level and be a happier, healthier, more whole, and fulfilled you.
“Group Reiki has helped me feel supported and in good company on my journey of both emotional healing and personal growth. I always look forward to our sessions!”
Pay fee free via Venmo Heather-Dempsey-07
Or we can send a PayPal or Square invoice
🙌🏻 **For less than price of one private reiki session, you will receive 10 HOURS of energy healing** 🙌🏻
If these were individual sessions the cost would be over $1340!
Join us now for only $75 per month
“Feel Balanced and centered - Realizing that my physical, emotional, spiritual state of being are all part of the picture. Reiki helps identify which areas need work, are out of sorts, etc. Maybe it’s more like a jigsaw puzzle where reiki helps put the pieces together or like a car in the shop getting realigned and a tuneup. I just can’t exactly describe the benefits of Reiki but balancing and centering of parts of me are the two most prominent things I love most about it. Also, Reiki gives me an understanding of why feelings of stress, anxiety, attitude issues are throwing me out of balance and off-center.”
You don’t have to be present or do anything. You will receive reiki even when you are not paying attention and recordings will be posted for processes and exercises that you may like to experience another time.
Monday between 8-9 pm CST Val
Tuesday 9-11:30 pm EST Heather
Thursday 9-11:30 pm EST Heather
Friday around 9:30 pm CST Val
Saturday (Heather & Val alternate) 9:00 am CST Val (2nd & 4th Sat.) & between 9-11:30 pm EST Heather (1st & 3rd Sat.)
-There may be a little movement with the schedule. We will keep you posted with any time adjustments.
-During longer months, we will adjust according to maintain 10 hours worth of sessions per month
“ To anyone ‘on the fence’ about joining, I’ve been participating since March 2019 and it’s been fantastic. Has helped me thru a major surgery and 8 week recovery (even my surgeon was amazed when I told him how Reiki had helped get me thru since he was amazed at how well the surgery went, my attitude and how well I was doing). The benefits don’t hit you like a lightning bolt but are more subtle - I find myself more grounded, more centered and balanced. I like that I don’t have to be online in the session, can be living life as needed at the session times and still receive the benefits. Highly recommend.”
Val & I will be providing your sessions and answering any questions you may have.
More Details about the energy-work sessions:
♥️You do not need to do anything specific.
🧡You do not need to be anywhere specific.
💛You do not have to “attend” the live sessions.
💚You will receive the healing energy no matter what you are doing.
💙This magical work can be done distantly!
That being said, my suggestion is to try to allow yourself time to sit quietly during some of the sessions. Even though you will still receive the benefits of sessions if you don't, you may find you experience the session when you are sitting, laying down with no distractions.
You could be in meditation, in the bath or listening to calming music laying on the couch. Personally, I LOVE to set the time aside when I am receiving distant sessions.
Whether you set the time aside or not, you may see images, feel sensations, have epiphanies or realizations, or you may just sink into the deepest calm you’ll experience all day.
Sessions are just as effective even if you are in the middle of a hectic morning or out dancing 😁
💗 You cannot do this wrong
💗 Try it every way and follow what feels best
If you know what Reiki is all about, can you imagine how you’ll feel receiving at least 10 hours of energy therapy per month?
And if you have not experienced it yet, let me assure you, it is amazing - so balancing, nurturing, and it allows awareness to deepen, enhancing your connection to self and all that is good and wholesome around you.