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Clear Limiting Subconscious Beliefs


Subconscious Reprogramming

We all have beliefs and emotions that create difficult patterns and behaviors in our lives. They exist below the conscious level, in the subconscious mind. 

Maybe you’ve experienced this: You set a goal, and begin working toward it with your best drive and determination. Then somewhere along the way, something stops you. What just happened? 

A limiting or negative belief jumped up out of the subconscious mind and took over. It created resistance to what you were doing. It made something small into a giant roadblock. It gave you two or three reasons to keep you where you’re comfortable being.  It offered cautious or nasty voices in your head: 

  • “This isn’t the way it’s supposed to be.”

  • "I'm not good enough.”

  • "I can't trust anyone."

  • "I'll never be financially secure."

  • "I can't do anything right."

Some of these beliefs came from experiences in your past, often from unpleasant experiences or situations. Some of them were indoctrinated into you, installed by your parents, or those you look up to.  

These experiences create beliefs that operate like tiny reality-creating machines, recreating their "truth" because it is what you know. It’s safe and comfortable.  And it keeps you stuck.

  • “I’m not loved so I must be unlovable.”

  • “They are hurting me (or punishing me) so I must be bad.”

  • “I have to do this, in order to get that.”

  • “If I become invisible, I won’t get hurt.”

  • “If I shut down, I won’t feel this terror.”

  • “If they like me I won’t have to be alone.”

When you identify your limiting or negative beliefs and go through the process of releasing them, you become free of the pattern.  You can plant new, empowering beliefs that will serve your life so it can unfold in the way you desire.

The Repatterning Method

Is an experiential clearing of limiting beliefs, harmonizing the parts within you. It offers a deep dive from which we can retrieve subconscious information. You can identify your core conditioned beliefs to understand how they have impacted you up to now, then reconcile them so they no longer hold you back.

You can then replace them with new, positive, and empowering beliefs that will serve your life.



Live Phone or Video Sessions

Clear Beliefs Self-Healing Program

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