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To a certain degree, especially if you want to keep growing.   I try to remind myself of this when I feel like I have a lot on my plate.

Think about how this applies to everything - Business, Personal Development, Relationship, you name it.


I started thinking about it because I recently moved 4 of my online programs over to a new platform. 


And a few weeks from now, I'll be moving them somewhere else to test which is the better option. 

If I was tired or grumpy this could feel like a big waste of time and I could get all pissed about the hours I have spent, my sore eyeballs, and ouchy wrists. But this is what it takes to grow my business so I can provide more support to even more people.  And hope that I make the best choice.

What can we do?  We try things - Sometimes we choose wisely, sometimes we don’t.  Whether it is a job, relationship, habit, routine, or even just a restaurant... you name it.  We can only do the best we can, with what we know and what we have at the time.


Sometimes things work out better than we could have ever imagined and sometimes we need to search for the lesson or “blessings” to find something positive from what feels like a loss or set back. 


But should it be any other way?  Don’t the risks, the mess-ups, and the wins help us to develop into who we are?  They put us in the path of some of the most important people or experiences of our life.


If it wasn’t for all of those things in life, I wouldn’t have any online programs to begin with.


And now I do

And they help people 

And I am grateful