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Sick of being called "Too Sensitive"?

If there is one thing I have been called more than anything, it's "sensitive". And if you are reading this article, chances are good that you have been labeled the same.

However, although we call people like us sensitive, and we meaningfully use the term to describe those who feel things "too much" and/or get hurt quickly.

If you are a highly sensitive empath you know that it can feel like a curse more than a blessing. That is until you know how to work it while keeping yourself protected.

If you are a highly sensitive person, chances are good that you do your best to keep yourself safe from being impacted by other's stuff, their energy, their wounds, their reactions, etc.

What if I told you, you need to do more than stuff like smudging and shielding?

While creating the golden egg around you to protect you from negative energy entering your field may be helpful, the subconscious beliefs you have deep inside may be causing more damage than anything else.

Your subconscious mind is very powerful and one of the best things that you can do for yourself is to work with it is reprogramming your negative subconscious beliefs.

If you don't, that subconscious programming will create more drama and drain when you have negative people/energies surrounding you.

The subconscious mind will alert to all the danger, trigger all the reactions and limit you from your full potential because it will be activating an overbearing, overprotective, or overly timid part of you. So then you are exerting extra energy just to stay okay.

Dis-creating the negative beliefs that activate those parts actually helps to protect you and stops any unnecessary energy drain.

And the icing on the cake is that even if your goal isn't about enhancing your career or relationships, increasing your self-esteem and confidence, attain greater material abundance... subconscious reprogramming will help you get there much faster and more powerfully.

So I'm not saying to stop your shielding or purification meditations, in fact, I have one that I'd love to share with you. CLICK HERE to access the process.

What I am also saying though is that you can protect yourself even better while experiencing the extra perks of my repatterning method 😁