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What is it really about?

Why do we want money? Or why do we want things?

Often, people want money for the bills that they'll be able to pay.

For the sense of security, they have that they can afford to have their needs met - medical care housing, food, shelter, clothing, etc.

And often people want money for the things that they want to buy. That has a lot to do with society's influence or to gain approval or acceptance into a group.

So when we follow that deeper down it often has to do with a sense of safety, security, or belonging, which likely stems back to safety too.

When we have shelter to protect us from the storm, from the weather, from any of the dangers outside we feel safe.

And most of our goals are oriented towards money, having things, or accomplishments.

We can go further and figure out what feeling is being created when we achieve a certain goal or acquire a certain thing.

Speaking from personal experience and working with hundreds of individuals, when we do this we usually identify our most desired feelings.

When we can identify the core feeling you crave at the root level it actually expands your options of how to have that/create that. Because now you can consider what else in life can provide that kind of feeling.

Maybe it is about feeling safe. Sometimes we can actually cultivate those feelings in other ways that haven't been considered until we dig deeper. A personal example I can give is about feelings of safety.

My hyper-vigilant part wants me to buy a condo so I have my safe place, protected from storms, people, and who knows what. And while that sounds all fine and good, when I started my search I was looking for it ALL! One’s that had everything I wanted and could ever want - because that felt smart, planning ahead.

I started to notice some anxiety over the next few weeks… A few headaches, not sleeping so great. And even though I am an expert at uncovering our inner workings, I was too close to this one of mine. Luckily, my mom noticed and mentioned that I seem to add more to my plate to try to make my life better, and sometimes those things seem to cause me more stress.

BAM!! She was 100% right and so I took the condo search down a few notches, a by a few hundred thousand $ notches. That might mean I may not be getting my dream of all dreams, lifetime home with everything under the sun. But what I can do - I can still get something amazing and that will be EASY as pie to pay for.

Now THAT feels safe! I put an offer in - wish me luck! 🍀

So why do you want the things you want?
How deep down into the why can you go and what other possibilities does it reveal?

Do you sometimes cause yourself grief by trying to appease the deep down want with things that aren’t exactly hitting the mark?

If you aren’t sure, DM me, we can explore together. It is powerful what can be uncovered when you have someone objective looking in.