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Not For The Faint At Heart.. Finding Your "Core Wound WHY"

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I briefly mentioned this concept in my last entry about The History Of Your Why and now I invite you to dive deeper with me.

This process can bring ease to the effort and struggles of business and life responsibilities.

What I am sharing needs a humble host. It will not likely be effective for someone defensive, guarded, unwilling to be vulnerable, honest, and possibly feel embarrassed.

My process is to identify your core wound and see how your real “why” may be your subconscious’s attempt to heal that core wound.

Your “why” being what you use to keep you motivated toward your goals and achievements.
If using your “why” to help you reach your goals is new to you, reach out, I’d like to provide some resources.

Okay, back to this process. It may not be something you can do alone unless you are already really well versed in taking yourself through deep work, like inner child rescue or parts therapy.

Sometimes we need an objective perspective in our personal growth, especially for the really deep stuff, to help us see past ourselves and also to increase the vulnerability to make the process even more powerful.

But you can give it a shot and if it turns out you would like support, you know where to find me ♡

Why I love this is because when you uncover your “Core Wound Why”, you tap into a deeper motivation than you may have ever had before.

In fact, I have found that motivation is no longer an issue because things align so perfectly, it’s like all the moving parts are working in total harmony.

The inner critic quiets down, the procrastinating part doesn’t seem so stifling and the I’m not good enough part starts to see how you actually aren’t so terrible after all.

A very vague personal example: One of my core wounds is that I “should” have been protected from something that happened to me, and when I spoke out about it, I didn't feel that I was taken seriously, like I wasn’t protected. This scenario has repeated itself multiple times in my life and it has been paralyzing at times.

Fortunately, I have always been pretty self-aware so subconsciously I was always pretty close to the type of work or purpose that could help heal that core wound, but now that I have dug deeper, gotten really uncomfortably honest and vulnerable about it, it is even clearer, and now that I make all of my choices from this place it feels AMAZING.

You see, I have identified that my core wound that needs to heal is the need to be heard and listened to - my words respected.

And WOW what I do now IS my core wound’s medicine!

From my life’s experiences and my education, I have become a resource for individuals who are seeking support. Whether it is an individual who is coming to me because they struggle with anxiety or if it is an entrepreneur who wants more emotional wellness for their life or business.

They come to me, they listen, they more often than not, do what I suggest and their life changes in positive ways because of it.

Do you see how powerful this is? Powerful for me and for them. It is a win-win!

So to state it more directly - once you find your “self-serving why”, the “core wound healing why” the clarity is so incredibly empowering. It is the epitome of authenticity and speaking your truth which makes it the ultimate win.

This process is humbling. It is striping you raw and uncovering what may feel like the most unflattering truth, but once the work is done, it is so incredible liberating.

What can normally feel like selfishness, feels like your greatest gift to the world and you attract more and more of what you desire even more quickly than before.

I hope as condensed as this potential life-changing example is, that it makes sense how valuable identifying your core wound can be to living your purpose, healing those wounds, and being of service to the world.

We have all heard “You can’t pour from an empty cup” - it is sad how many still try - but this can be the beginning of changing that.

Healing your wounds, filling your cup and then pouring from it.

If you are curious to explore this, be gentle, be patient, be humble, and I know am here for you ♡