Hands down the most powerful learning or in-your-face reminder from the pandemic is that emotional health = resiliency.
For some, it may have seemed like an obvious truth but still, they may not have put all the attention on it that would benefit them. During these times tending to your emotional health and wellness is 100% a necessity!
Whether it is dealing with isolation, lack of freedom, losing a job, needing to pivot your business, affected finances, concern for safety, losing loved ones, lacking options and outlets, if you didn’t go into this with a full cup or learn how to fill it along the way you are probably suffering dearly.
So what can you do about it now?
It is NEVER too late to start developing your emotional resiliency through your emotional health.
What are some ways you can enhance your emotional wellness?
Self-care - such as journaling, self-massage, detoxing baths, creating a soothing ritual, lighting candles, making tea, cozy socks and everything below is part of self-care…
Exercise - yoga, HIIT, running, pilates, you name it!
Get out in nature - taking a walk, a jog, or just sitting in the grass against a tree to help you feel more grounded and connected
Enjoy a hobby - knitting, photography, reading, cooking, jewelry making
Join some group activity - a book club or meditation group (these can also be found online)
Declutter your space so the energy can flow more smoothly
Energy therapies - crystal healing, reiki, eft, emotion | body code, smudging, etc.
Get support - whether it is therapy or a coach
Learn something new - something you’ve always wanted to learn - there is so much available to us now online, anything you can dream of is available.
Even if you have been hanging in during this challenging time, if there is anything on the list above that you haven’t included in your routine, I hope you might try it. And feel free to share the list with someone who could use the extra support. Even the simplest steps to nurture yourself or help others nurture themselves can plant some truly nourishing seeds that have an incredibly positive impact.