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Nothing has worked?

Have you tried everything, but nothing has worked?

I know that feeling all too well. When it became clear I was dealing with anxiety and depression I was on a mission to try to fix myself.

I think I tried everything to get rid of anxiety, but there wasn't one thing that worked. I took medication and talked to several therapists (and when I say several, I mean I even had multiple at one time) -- while some of it helped in the moment, it was not the solution and something told me they were simply not getting to the root of the issue. Honestly, it was either masking the issue or digging up stuff that made me feel worse or sorry for myself.

Once I realized there was something deeper, I wanted to address the issue at the core, so I started digging. After practicing dozens of techniques and studying with some of the top gurus, what I found was that my anxiety was being triggered by subconscious beliefs. Once I figured out how to clear the beliefs, it reduced my triggers, my life changed for the better.

One of the biggest things I discovered is that there is nothing "wrong" with me or anyone actually. We all have triggers.

We all have patterns of emotions caused by subconscious beliefs and they are so strong, they can cause us to place ourselves in a situation and before our conscious mind even realizes it. Most people are reacting based on past events and they haven't had a chance to decide before the body is already doing it.

The truth is, you haven’t had a chance to choose your life because of a past event. Subconscious beliefs tell us our feelings about ourselves and the world around us. And often the beliefs are rooted so deep we can’t find them on our own. Or they are so stealth, we don't even realize when they are running under the surface of the conscious thought.

A few examples would be:

- I am not good enough.

- Nothing bad will ever happen to me.

- Everyone hates me.

You get the idea right?

Subconscious beliefs create our reality and if they are negative, then that is what we get from life because of how it messes with our view of everything - Of ourselves, others, the world. And they can stop us from taking action or cause us to take inefficient or even self-sabotaging action.

Things like procrastination, perfectionism, being controlling or being afraid to put yourself out there - fear of failure or even success. They are all caused by the beliefs deep within the subconscious mind. And they are what is causing anxiety as well.

If you've tried everything to get rid of it, but nothing has worked. It's time for something new and better! After years of research, study, and experience, I created the method that works and I want to help you reduce your anxiety (without medication) and help you reach the goals you set, by specifically targeting subconscious beliefs.

My life changed so much, I couldn't keep it a secret. Now, you change your life too!