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If you are a control addict, like my client and I...

I have a client who has been doing some really awesome work and it is paying off!

We're both Libras and we've noticed we share common traits associated with Libra and the scales of justice - there is a strong desire/need for things to need to be fair and balanced.

So when something doesn't feel fair for her. That's usually when she gets triggered, wants to exert control, and has a hard time accepting things just as they are.

Yet there is another side of her since we have been working together. She is now able to find ample proof that most often things work out in her favor.

It seems like whenever there's a jam, there's a solution that presents itself, or she creates a solution. So as her sense of security and trust increase she would like to become even more relaxed, release the need to control, and just go with the flow - trusting all things will always work themselves out.

I could relate to so much of what she shared and it was something I put my focus on for myself over the past year with impressive success (even as I am grieving the loss of my father and dealing with squatters who have taken residence in his house)!

I have desired to figure out how to embody the concept of surrender. It seems crazy that this is something to be learned and doesn’t just come naturally but either way. My client’s desire was similar to mine - to have faith that the Universe has my back and is helping me to succeed. So, I shared some of the methods I had adopted to support me and we personalized it for her.

We decided to start with something really simple - breath and mantra.

Part of a session was spent exploring what her desired feeling/s is, when or how she experienced the feeling in the past and to what degree does she believe her desire is actually possible.

From there it gave us the foundation to created a few mantra/affirmation statements that felt both uplifting and honest.

"Even though I don't have control, I know the universe always creates for me." and "Even though I can't control the situation, the universe has my back, always looks out for me, and provides me with what exactly I need."

These statements can be used in a few ways, as:

  • Morning mantras to set the foundation for the day.

  • Afternoon affirmations to keep her on track or

  • Evening check-in to review her experiences through the day to find aspects of the day when the mantra is, in fact, a true statement that she can find proof of.

She also began to use them when she felt triggered. She would recite the statements while keeping a steady breath (6 seconds inhale, hold for a second 8-12 seconds exhale)

Some of the shorter support statements we talked about were:

"The universe is protecting me."

"I don't need to control everything."

"I can surrender and trust the universe knows what it is doing and has my best interest."

"The universe is always looking out for me, it's doing what's best for me."

Using affirmations help to activate the subconscious mind to look for examples of the statement being a fact. It is a built-in fact-checker and this can work to your advantage when you take advantage of it! It starts to show you proof and attract experiences that prove it as well.

Using affirmations also helps you become a vibrational match to the statement which attracts more of that thing into your life. We attract what we are. Like attracts like.

It has been a few weeks and so far she said is that these affirmation style mantras have helped her to slow down and calm down a ton!

She said she uses them as a 911 rescue when she gets really anxious and they help her stop panicking, she feels more grounded and safe. Even her partner noticed a shift in her behavior. And she even feels more at peace when things don't go the way she expected. Now, she is planning on putting her attention on trusting that something better is in store when things don't go as she anticipated.

I share this in case the simple process can help you as much as it has helped both of us so far. If you find yourself getting triggered, needing to be in control is there a statement or a mantra that could help you what you surrender and let go of control?