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Gratitude for the truth being told about the Law of Attraction!

I've been grateful to see more articles elaborating on the law of attraction and positive thinking. Articles that explain how vision boards and affirmations are not enough, at least not enough the the majority of people who are struggling. I've witnessed too many individuals putting their every hope on a vision board they created and never once having been told how their subconscious beliefs could actually be the wall between their current circumstances and their dreams. 

Not only subconscious beliefs but also the attempt to deny negative feelings or thoughts when they arise. I am so grateful to have these new studies to support the work I provide for my clients. Most people need to hear something multiple times, from multiple sources, it is helping to validate and shine a light on a more effective way toward a better life ♡  

What has your experience been with the Law of Attraction? Have you ever made a vision board? Do you have any affirmations you work with? Are you interested in learning more about what it takes to make them truly work? If so, click the link below to schedule a complimentary chat!