Would you agree that we are completely bombarded by toxins?
Physical toxicities like preservatives, chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals or EMF spectrum.
Emotional toxicities like violence, news/media, unhealthy relationships, trauma, unprocessed grief, unbalanced work life and home life.
Spiritual toxicity - Personally, I see that more as though we are spiritually deprived which is contributing to illness, disease and unhappiness, not having time to meditate, to connect with ourselves and our source/s it effects us so much.
And we also have mental toxicities like our thoughts, our beliefs, critical people around us and too much pressure to get some much done.
And while we are constantly being bombarded with toxicities, most people don't have the resources, support or access to the right tools to either protect from or release the toxicities.
And so, this is where healing every day group comes in - as a way to combat these toxicities as they're coming at you. It is not only your shield and your detox as well. This is a group healing membership program - A buffet of healing modalities to help combat the toxicities.
Some of the modalities you will experience while in the group are Reiki to help to purify energy to help to balance the chakras or energy centers to help to nourish and support your entire being. Great to boost immune system and calm the nervous system too.
And processes like Emotion Code where we actually release trapped emotions that are wreaking havoc on the body and attracting negative things and experiences into your life.
Subconscious Reprogramming | Belief clearing is an additional process. One where we can actually identify negative, limiting beliefs that are creating your current reality and dis-create it to remove it from your psyche and replace it with one that serves you.
For example the belief of "I'm not good enough" Or "I'm not worthy" could be influencing your decisions, your patterns, how you move through life. It may be creating your current reality and in this group, it can be cleared to create a new desired reality.
Also modalities like EFT to help to change behaviors patterns habits, create new mindsets. This is favorite modality amongst therapists and personal development gurus, like Jack Canfield.
Meditation is another modality that is provided. Meditation provides the opportunity to begin to clear the mind. It's as if we're weeding the garden, tending to the soil to plant new rich seeds that empower your actions as well as reduce your re-activity and help you enjoy each moment and be more present instead of being stressed all the time..
We have put together all of these processes in one private group to make it more easily accessible.
We are taking on 10 new members in March.
Would you like to be one of them?
Reach out to join or with any questions.