Hi, I’m Heather
Have you ever been the new kid on the block?
I don’t mean Jordan, Joey, or Donny (I probably just date myself and you might not even know what I’m talking about, lol)
I mean have you ever been new in town?
Well, I am kind of new to the area and I don’t know anyone, which means I’m starting from scratch and it can feel a little scary sometimes.
If you count on clients or customers for your paycheck you can relate to how nervous I might be feeling -
How long will it take for the word to get out?
How busy is it during season and how slow is it out of season?
Will I make enough? How will people find me?
Will I have to pay a million dollars in advertising just to break even?
While I’m terrified, I’m also crazy excited.
I’ve done this all before - it went well then so I’m thinking it’ll go well this time too ♡
BUT I don’t want it to take forever to get established.
I’m too old to hustle like I did when I was in my twenties.
So I was thinking of what I could do to grow my business quickly and I came up with a total WIN-WIN for both of us!
For everyone you refer to me, I will pay you $20.
($20 cash, Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, however you want it.)
I will also take care of 1/2 of your 1st facial with me AND give you a $20 gift certificate for next time.
I’ve been in business a LONG time (25+ years) and I had an award-winning spa in Yardley, Pennsylvania ranked as the #1 day spa in the greater Philadelphia region for over 18 years, an award-winning yoga studio and boutique, and a metaphysical shop too.
You can rest assured anyone you send my way will be in very good hands and they will probably thank you profusely for your recommendation and feel that they owe you, big time.
So, Here’s how it works:
You can let me know who you refer.
When someone reserves a session with me, the booking system will ask who referred them.
Once I have that info, I’ll pay you $20
Here’s a sample of the skincare booking page so you know how it looks:
In fact, every service offered at HSC that is over $100 has the “who referred you” question - so you can get credit for more than just referring people for facials. You can get it for energy work, private events, and therapeutic coaching.
AND for coaching, you can get 10% which could mean up to $300!
Yep - $300 for helping someone get happier, emotionally healthier, and if they are a business owner, solve problems with their business.